

































作者: Robin Liu, 2022年5月22日
ExtrAcre Farmland Lease & Rental



  • 低波动:历史上农地收益率的波动要比多数其他资产类别都低,其中包括10年期国债收益率、标普500指数、黄金以及道琼斯REIT指数。
  • 低相关性:农地的收益率通常不会跟股市同方向运行,有时呈负相关性。在很多标普500指数下跌的年份,农地的收益率是正的。
  • 通胀对冲:农地是生产诸如小麦和油菜籽等大宗商品的实物资产,因此受益于通胀,原因是通胀不仅提升土地价值,还增加农作物收益。因此,有些人将农地视为类似黄金但还能创造产出的投资品种。


1, 农地数量只会减少,不会增加。






  财务人士都知道, 土地不属于可折旧资产,土地上的建筑物是。建筑物折旧通常按4%计算,10年累计折旧33%, 而土地由于没有折旧,10年后仍是100%。可见,10年内,土地相比建筑物,10年内单单在折旧上就比房产多的33%的收益(省下来的就是赚的)。

那么就有人问了,那为什么10年前30万的房子,为什么现在反而可以卖到40万呢?那是因为:1,这个房子在过去10年累计投入了65000的维护费用。2,这个房子的土地的价值从10万变成了20万。 10年间,土地价值翻了一倍,而建筑物价值剩下当初价值的67%(如果这个房子在过去十年没有进行任何维护的话)。

10年前价值 建筑物的现值(扣除折旧) 土地增值1倍后的现值 土地+建筑物的现值
房产     30万 (土地10万,建筑物20万) 13.5万 20万 33.5万
农地 30万 0 60万 60万

3, 无需为土地购买各种保险,比如火灾,失窃等。


4,  农地地税的税率低。

目前萨省农地的地税大约是农地市场价的0.2%, 而在萨省大城市一套典型房产的地税大约是该房产市场价的1%。 所以相比房产投资,农地投资在这地税这一项上每年省去0.8%的费用。


物业管理人员的常规工作, 农地与房产的比较:

A, 收租金。


C,购买 保险及保险更新及理赔。


在萨省,房产管理的管理费通常在12% 左右,而农地的管理费只有4%。 比如, 禾丰(ExtrAcre)农地出租管理公司对萨省的农地管理收取年租金的4%管理费,这个费用也包括了管理前期需要招租的招租及签订租约的出租佣金。





7, 农地一旦进入上涨期,涨价幅度更大,周期更长。

萨省农地自2002 年至今,没有在任何一个年份出现下跌,即使在2008年的金融危机发生后仍取得了6.9%(2009)和5.7%(2010)的涨幅。最大年涨幅发生在2011和2013年,分别取得了22.9%和 28.5%的年涨幅。




8, 农地投资的净的租金回报率与房产的比较。


年租金 地税 维护更新
保险 管理费 净租金 CAP
房产50万 30000 4500 9000 2500 3000 11000 2.2%
农地50万 17500 1400 0 0 720 15380 3.0%



作者:Robin Liu, 2022年5月22日
禾丰(ExtrAcre) 农地出租管理公司



1, 萨省农地广阔平坦,耕作效率高。


萨省农地适合超大型农机耕作,耕作效率高。萨省有超过六千万英亩的农田,占有超过40%的加拿大农田总数。每年大约有三千三百万英亩的农业用地用于作物的生产。世界上这种广阔平坦且肥沃的区域并不是很多,因此 萨省是世界主产粮区之一,农业生产有相当大的规模和集约效应。



萨省农地中大约½  是黑土,另外有大约1/4是粘土(粘土保水性好,对农作物的作用等同于降雨多).


3, 完善的农业基础设施.

萨省拥有完善的道路运输系统,机耕道路四通八达。东西方向每隔1英里就有一条南北向的机耕路, 南北方向每隔2英里就有一条东西向的机耕路,保证了所有的农地大型机器都能够进入农地进行耕种。许多农地都通电, 有些还通天然气,有些主干道边还通有城市的自来水。

4, 超高的投资性价比。


过去由于萨省政府政策的限制, 萨省土地只允许萨省本省的居民来买,导致萨省农地价格远远低于其他省份的价格(相同产值的农地的市场价). 根据加拿大统计局的数据:截止到2021年年中,萨省农地$1588/英亩,曼省$2280/英亩, 埃尔伯塔$3012/英亩,BC省 $6675/英亩。


加拿大土地产权是永久产 权,而且是100%拥有权,100%使用权,100%处置权和抵押权。


萨省地下矿产资源丰富,很多农地的地下可能会蕴藏以下一种或多种矿产资源:石油,油砂,天然气,钾肥矿,铀矿,煤炭,氦气。作为地表产权的主人,虽然你不拥有这些矿产资源,但开采公司必须为使用地表土地而支付你租金,目前行价约$4000/英亩/年. 另外,萨省也拥有丰富的风能和地热资源,地表租金收入也可能来自这些能源的开采利用。




农地耕地租售比 = 每英亩耕地的租金 / 每英亩耕地的市场价


省份 农地租售比 最低 最高
哥伦比亚省 1.80% 0.50% 3.15%
阿尔伯塔省 2.20% 1.20% 3.85%
萨省 3.30% 1.60% 5.85%
曼尼托巴省 2.60% 1.40% 5.00%
安大略 1.70% 0.90% 3.00%
魁北克 1.80% 0.95% 3.20%
加拿大 2.70% 加拿大各省农地投资回报率2020



1, 所在区域的农地的出租供应和需求比。





作者: Robin 刘,   2021-08-31.


我是ROBIN 刘 , 地产拍卖师,ExtrAcre Farmland 农地公司的创始人。我们的团队(地产拍卖师和地产经纪)为投资人提供农地投资买卖,出租,管理的全方位服务。

1,入门篇的目的是让你能够同农地经纪,农场主沟通.  至少,你要能根据一个农地标识号,找到这个农地.



1, 萨省农地一般都是以一个quarter来交易的,一个quarter等于160英亩, 即边长为800×800米的一个正方形。4个quarter以田字排列组成一个SECTION,即边长为1英里的正方形区域。

2, 加拿大的土地标识是这样一个格式,比如:SE 10-37-15 W2。这里的37是TOWHSHIP 号, 相当于纵坐标。15是RANGE号,相当于横坐标。TOWNSHIP和RANGE合起来确定了一个边长6英里的区域。这个区域由36个SECTION 组成, 每个SECTION边长为1英里。这36个SECTION 的编号从1到36. 这里的10是指第10号SECTION, 而SE指的是这个SECTION里的东南那个QUARTER(1/4的意思)。W2是west 2nd maridian.  萨省跨3个Maridian, 即W1,W2 和W3

所以,SE 10-37-15 W2是一个quarter(160英亩)的农地,具体就是位于纵坐标37线,横坐标15线交叉处的第10号SECTION的东南地块。

, 有APP工具,比如 Praire Locator 可以把具体的一块农地定位在GOOGLE 地图上,只需输入SECTION 号,TOWNSHIP 号,RANGE号及MARIDIAN 


  • 萨省的乡村地区划分为200多个RM.大多数的RM是一个边长18英里的正方形区域。所以一个典型的RM有18 x 18 =324个SECTION, 1296个QUARTER.  
  • 一个RM的完整名称是这样的,例如:RM of Brokenshell No. 68, 这里的68是RM的编号,Broken shell是RM的名。

RM Map Example

农地资产 VS 房产资产




4, 综合算下来,农地租金/资产回报率(年租金/资产价值)大约3.5%,等同于房产的租金/资产回报率6.5%.

5, 农地长期持有,有机会取得其他各种地表租金收入,比如:油井,天然气井,氦气井,电力,天然气,通讯设施,风车等。也有可能发现地下沙石。





  • 目前农地投资的合理回报率大约在 3.2% 到3.5%之间(在不贷款的情况下)。
  • 借助贷款的情况下的投资受益率大约在3.6%到4.4%之间(首付50%,利率2%到2.5%)

2,容易出租, 容易出手。

  • 一般来讲,面积规模大的;质量好的;集中连片的农地容易出租, 容易出手。
  • 小面积的农地,会受制于附近的农场主而租不到好价格,甚至租不出去(以迫使你低价卖给附近农民), 
  • 大面积的农地因为能够吸引更远农场主承租,所以竞争的农场主更多,一般都能租到很好的价格。单个投资的农地(能够一同出租的农地)面积最好大于640英亩(对中等质量农地而言)。





  • 坡度的大小及数量,SAMA 评级分为T1到T5,T1为最平整。
  • 石头的大小及数量,SAMA 评级分为S1到S5,S5为石头最少。
  • 费地(水塘,湿地,灌木,树林,盐碱地)部分的大小,数量,及分布。费地部分对耕作效率的影响可以借助卫星图,航拍图或无人机拍摄拍摄图片来评估。



  • 土壤的颜色(黑土,深棕土,棕土),
  • 土壤的保水性(砂质,壤质,粘质),表土的厚度等。
  • 农地所在区域的气候因素:降雨量,降雨的季节分布,气温,无霜期长短,自然灾害风险等。
  • 适合种植的农作物的种类。有些农作物产量低,但单价高.



查询农地的SCIC的土壤等级(SCIC SOIL CLASS) 是最直接快速的方法。

萨省农作物保险公司(SCIC) 为评估农地的产出能力(产出农作物的产量),给每个QUARTER (160英亩)评定了一个等级,以字母表示,A 最高,P最低,我们习惯称为土壤等级。



  • 农地的价值一定是一个综合了它的产出能力及耕作效率的综合价值, 查询SAMA报告的综合评分(SAMA FINAL RATING)是最直接快速的方法。
  • 萨省中等质量农地的SAMA 综合评分在50分左右。一般来说,一块地中,低于30分的部分是不适合种植粮食作物的。
  • 一般来说,一个Quarter有一份单独的SAMA 报告。具体的一个Quarter上往往有几个综合评分和面积不同的部分,这时我们应该根据按权重计算整体的综合评分(weighted average).

3, (SAMA报告举例).

SAMA Sheet Example


  • 按风险分担的比例不同,农地出租的主要方式:固定租金(FIXED RENT) 和农产品(CROP SHARE)。
  • 固定租金出租,目前的年租金大约是农地市场价格的3.2-3.5%
  • 农产品分成出租,目前的分成比例大约是收成的16% 到20%之间(因农作物种类不同而异。
  • 租期一般3到5年(因为农作物轮作中期是3到5年)。
  • 租金一般分两次支付:春季一次(4月份或5月份),秋季一次(10月分或11月份)。
  • 萨省农地每年的使用期师4月份到11月份,租约的开始及结束时间不宜在此区间。


  • 信誉好,重合同,守信用
  • 规模大,发展中的农场。
  • 农机设备先进,齐全
  • 种植技术,经验丰富
  • 尽可能租给距离近的农场主。
  • 签订长期租约,做到农地的可持续性使用,以使得土地得到逐年改进。People Shaking Hands In A Wheat Field, Farmers Agreement. Agriculture  Agronomist Business Contract Concept Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free  Image. Image 82656370.


  • 由于每块地都有一个保本成本,不论好地差地,保本成本都差不多.
  • 可耕性差的的农地,由于耕作难度大,效率低,保本成本甚至更高。
  • 差地由于产量低,在粮食价格特别低的年份,可能会出现产出低于保本成本的情况,在这种情况下,即使免租金,农场主也是不会租的。
  • 好地由于产量高, 即使在粮食价格低且雨水少的年份,收成仍然会高于保本成本,所以租客仍有足够的利润空间以支付租金,只是租金稍微低些而已。
  • 好的农地因为旱涝保收,所以才能不愁租,真正的增值保值。
  • 如果农地荒芜,政府会强制你请人除草,每年费用大约$4000左右。


  • 状况良好的农地比状况差的农地的价值能差20%左右。
  • 状况特别差的农地甚至需要3到5年的精心维护管理才能达到正常状况,而且每年需要投入更多的农药化肥及除草剂。
  • 有些小农场主租别人的农地,靠保险理赔赚钱。少量播种,基本不使用任何化肥农药,田地里基本一半庄家,一半杂草,土地毁坏严重。
  • 也有农场主短期租一块农地, 略夺性,不可持续性地使用农地,导致农地病虫害严重等多种问题。
  • 农地状况差的常见情况:各种杂草多,虫害严重,各种肥料成分,微量元素严重缺乏, 表土风化流失,土地表面粗糙不平,表土不够疏松,表土腐殖质少。
  • 每年应该至少查看一次农地,确保租客合理使用农地,履行租约条款。

ExtrAcre 农地租赁管理的优势 

  • 与本地农场主的密切联系。


  • 为您找到资质及信誉均优的农场主

除了好的租金价格外,租客的资质信誉也很重要。基于我们农场主数据库,我们能够调查每一个当地农场主的背景 ,能够确保您的选择最优。

  • 高效的线上竞价机制 (https://auction.extracre.com)


  • ExtrAcre提供从购买, 招租,及后期管理的全面服务。


ExtrAcre 的核心团队

Robin Liu -禾丰农地资产管理

Robin Liu  (306)690-6786
Auctioneer, Farmland Rental Specialist
Founder of ExrAcre Farmland Lease & Rental

Qing Zhang  (306)684-0136
Realtor, Farm Ranch Sales Specialist
Top #1 of SK Royal Lepage Realtors in 2019


🎉🍾️刚刚结束的萨省农地租金竞价又创出新纪录!该地块位于萨省西南区域,Moose Jaw 市南方向约2 小时车程,近美国边界,1225英亩. 竞价招租由EtraAcre公司在该公司的农地竞价租赁平台进行。竞价于2021你那2月25日结束,拍出了该区域有史以来的最高纪录: $91/英亩 的租价,比去年的$45/英亩 整整高出了1倍还多.  7位农场主参拍,经过2小时、42 轮的线上竞价,最终锤落 $91/英亩。  

ExtrAcre公司用事实再次证明,线上竞价加租户筛选(Bidder Selection Process)是农地租赁的最佳模式,也是创新模式。


EtraAcre由Robin Liu创办,主营农地租赁管理的线上拍卖平台,是目前萨唯一运营中的农地拍租平台。


农地租金大涨77% 萨省农场主从未象现在这样对粮食前景如此有信心


萨省农地出租 ExtraAcre Farmland Rental Auctions
萨省农地出租 ExtraAcre Farmland Rental Auctions

此次农地拍租由ExtraAcre 公司在线上进行,近十人68轮激烈竞价。ExtrAcre是目前加拿大唯一一家专业从事农地拍租的公司, 该公司完成的农地拍租价格往往成为当地租金价格的标杆及风向标。


萨省农地租金大涨77% ExtraAcre Farmland Rental Auctions
萨省农地租金大涨77% ExtraAcre Farmland Rental Auctions

ExtrAcre 公司创始人 Robin Liu 同当地几个农场主的谈话中得知,农场主们都说,他们种地40多年了,萨省农民从没象现在这么赚钱。



🎉🍾️刚刚结束的另外6个Quarter牧场地的拍租也创出历史新高!该地块位于萨省凯维尔附近,960英亩,由EtraAcre公司拍出了$4350/quarter的租价,比去年的$2660高出了63.5% . 近20位农场主参拍,经过1.5小时、136轮的线上加价,最终锤落$4350/Quarter.

EtraAcre由Robin Liu创办,主营农地租赁管理的线上拍卖平台,是目前萨唯一运营中的农地拍租平台。


640 英亩农地租金拍卖创出历史新高

🎉🍾️刚刚结束的农地拍租创出历史新高!该地块位于萨省凯维尔附近,640英亩,由EtraAcre公司拍出了$64.5/英亩的租价,比去年的$38高出了69.7%.  10多个农场主参拍,经过1.5小时、135轮的线上加价,最终锤落$64.5.

640 英亩农地租金拍卖创出历史新高

EtraAcre由Robin Liu创办,主营农地租赁管理的线上拍卖平台,是目前萨唯一运营中的农地拍租平台。


Sample Cash Lease Agreement


This lease made in duplicate the _____________(DD/MM/YYYY)


——————————     of ————————————————

       (Landlord’s Name)           (Address)

in the Province of Saskatchewan hereinafter called the “landlord” being the purchaser under an Agreement for Sale of Land described below, and

—————————— of ——————————

    (Landlord’s Name)           (Address)

in the Province of Saskatchewan hereinafter called the “tenant.”


  1. Witness that in consideration of the rents, covenants, promises and agreements contained in this lease on the part of the tenant to be paid, observed and performed, the landlord does hereby lease to the tenant the following farm lands and premises situated in the Province of Saskatchewan, that is to say:

Land (legal description):  



  1. Term

This lease shall continue in force on the said land and premises for and during the term of

__ years, from ________(DD/MM/YYYY)  to ______(DD/MM/YYYY)

Any overholding by the tenant shall be considered a trespass.


  1. Rental

The tenant will pay the landlord the yearly rental of _____ plus GST for the cultivated portion of the land plus the yearly rental of ___plus GST for the grazing portion of the land during the said term.

Payment schedules:


  1. Saskatchewan Laws Apply

The contents of this agreement shall for all purposes be construed according to the laws of the Province of Saskatchewan and any cause of action arising hereunder shall be entered and tried in the judicial center serving the area of Saskatchewan in which the land of this agreement is located.


  1. Landlord and Tenant Definitions

The terms “landlord” and “tenant” shall include their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns in the singular or plural number and feminine or masculine gender when the context or the parties so require and all the covenants shall be construed as being joint and several.


  1. Cropping Plans

The tenant shall make all decisions with respect to growing crops unless stated otherwise in this agreement, and as such the tenant shall be responsible for all costs of farming the said land unless stated otherwise in this agreement. 

  1. Resource Protection

The tenant shall:

  1. a) cultivate, seed, control weeds, insects and disease, harvest crops and raise livestock on the land in a sustainable manner;
  2. b) use pesticides in accordance with labelled directions; and
  3. c) minimize soil loss from erosion with the use of, but not limited to, crop residue management, conservation tillage, grassed waterways, strip-cropping, tree planting or other accepted conservation practices.

The tenant shall not:

  1. a) allow overgrazing of any of the land that is in grass or forages;
  2. b) overload nutrient levels on the land or adjacent water bodies;
  3. c) allow pesticide to drift on to non target lands, including adjacent crops, shelterbelts and yard sites;
  4. d) accumulate, permit or allow the accumulation of any waste material, debris, refuse or garbage; or
  5. e) allow any site contamination such as, but not limited to, chemicals, oil spills, hydro carbons or any other waste materials on the land or adjacent water bodies.


  1. Pesticides

The tenant will make all decisions on which pesticides are to be used on crops grown on the land.


  1. Use of the Land

All the cultivated portion of the land can only be used for grain production. The tenant will use the lands and premises for the purpose of growing crops and the tenant shall not, without the written consent of the landlord:

  1. a) sublet, or assign this lease, or any part thereof, or any interest therein without obtaining the written consent of the landlord to the sublease or assignment;
  2. b) change the natural course of any waterways on the said land;
  3. c) cut down trees growing upon the land, nor will he permit any other person to do so;
  4. d) allow the entry of any persons for the purpose of outfitting, eco-tourism, picking of berries or flowers or any such plant materials;
  5. e) remove any sand, gravel, clay, stone or other such substances existing on, or under the surface of said land; or
  6. f) bring into cultivation any new lands.


  1. Crop Residues and Fire

Crop residues including straw, chaff and stubble remaining after harvesting the crops on the land shall not be burned, baled or otherwise removed, used or disposed of without the consent of the landlord. Flax straw can be burned on field or baled and removed from field if tenant wants to do so.


  1. Weed Control

The tenant shall control all noxious weeds on the subject lands, and maintain all summer fallow (if any) in a reasonably weed-free condition. 


  1. Crop Insurance

With respect to the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance program, the tenant has the option to take a Crop Insurance contract and in so doing shall absorb the total cost of coverage and receive all the benefits.


  1. Other Insurance

Insurance on all leased buildings in this agreement shall be the responsibility of the landlord.

The landlord and tenant are free to make their own arrangements regarding other production and all risk insurance and in so doing shall absorb the total cost of coverage and receive all the benefits.


  1. Storage of Grain

The landlord will provide no grain storage.  The tenant will provide grain storage they need.


  1. 15. Government Income Support Payments and Subsidies

In the event that any payment, subsidy or other reimbursement is made under any government agency or any marketing agency in connection with income support to the actual producer of crops grown on the leased lands during the term of this lease, the payments identified with the leased land shall be paid to the tenant unless otherwise agreed upon.

Where contributions are required for entitlement to any payment, subsidy or reimbursement the landlord and tenant shall mutually agree as to the sharing of the costs and income. The following are included and shared as set out:



  1. Compensation for Oil and Gas, Utilities, Roads, and Rights-of-Way

Compensation for reasons such as, but not limited to, property damage and inconvenience from oil and gas exploration, pipeline development, power and telephone line installations, or road construction, shall accrue to the party that has suffered the loss. The landlord will have the final say on who has suffered the loss except as follows:

  1. a) where the compensation is for crop damage, the compensation will be paid to the tenant.
  2. b) where the compensation is for work completed by the tenant such as, but not limited to, fence reconstruction, grass reseeding or top soil leveling, the compensation will be paid to the tenant.
  3. c) where the compensation is for the creation of a nuisance situation such as, but not limited to, gates being left open, dust or noise, the compensation will be paid to the tenant.
  4. d) where the compensation is for a decrease in the land’s value such as, but not limited to, loss of acres from the development, severing a parcel of land or top soil disturbance, the payment shall be made to the landlord.


  1. Taxes

The cost of all municipal and school taxes on the land included in this lease shall be paid by the landlord.


  1. Improvements

The tenant shall not make major improvements, other than what is considered normal repair and maintenance, to the leased land or any other assets identified in this agreement without written permission of the landlord. Major improvements, which without restricting the generality of the term, shall include: water development, erosion control, fencing and building construction, clearing, breaking and seeding to pasture and hay land. Such consent shall be attached to and form part of the lease agreement. The amount of compensation shall be an amount agreed upon by the landlord and tenant.

Title to all improvements shall vest in the landlord and no improvements shall be sold, removed, disposed of or encumbered without the written consent of the landlord.


  1. Repair of Buildings, Fences and Improvements

Responsibility for normal maintenance and repair to buildings, fences and improvements shall be as follows: Tenant’s Responsibility. Tenants are allowed to remove all the fences at the tenant’s expenses, and tenants will own all the removed material.


  1. Grain Stored on Land at Commencement of Lease

In the event that marketing facilities prevent the landlord from delivering the grain previously grown and stored on the said leased premises at the commencement of this lease, it is agreed that such undelivered grain may be stored on the said land for a period not exceeding Seven months after the commencement of this lease without charge for storage or interference from the tenant. However, the landlord must not deliver any other grain in priority to the grain stored on the leased premises. During this period, the landlord has the right to enter to obtain any grain or fodder which he has stored on the said property.


  1. Grain Stored on Land at Termination of Lease

In the event that the harvesting and marketing conditions prevent the tenant from delivering the grain grown and stored on the leased land during the term of this lease, such grain may be harvested and removed from the landlord’s property according to The Agricultural Leaseholds Act. Any grain left on the property following the termination of the lease must be removed within 7 months of termination of the lease.


  1. The tenant shall protect the said land and indemnify the landlord in regard to any and all liens and charges by reason of or in any way accruing from the construction of any building or the making of any improvements thereon done by or on behalf of the tenant.


  1. The tenant shall indemnify and save harmless the landlord against all claims, liabilities, demands, damages or rights or causes of action whatever made or asserted by anyone arising out of OR incidental to this indenture or use or occupancy of the said lands and premises.


  1. That if the term hereby granted or any of the goods and chattels of the tenant or his assigns shall be at any time seized or taken in execution or in attachment by any creditors of the tenant or his assigns, or if the tenant or his assigns shall make any assignment for the benefit of creditors, or becoming bankrupt or insolvent, shall take the benefit of any Act that may be in force for bankrupt or insolvent debtors, or if any writ of execution shall issue against the goods and chattels of the tenant or his assigns, the then current year’s rent shall immediately become due and payable, and the said term shall immediately become forfeited and void at the option of the landlord.


  1. That if the rent reserved or any part thereof be in arrears whether such rent has been demanded or not, or if there be default, breach or non-observance by the tenant at any time or times of any covenant, proviso, condition or reservation herein contained, which on the part of the tenant ought to be observed or performed, whether such covenant be positive or negative, or if there be any seizure or forfeiture of the said term for any of the causes herein specified, then the landlord or his agents may enter upon the said lands and premises and thereafter have, possess and enjoy them as if his indenture had not been made, and no acceptance of rent subsequent to any breach or default other than non-payment of rent nor any condoning, excusing or overlooking by the landlord on previous occasions of breach or defaults similar to that for which re-entry is made shall be taken to operate as a waiver of this condition, nor in any way defeat or affect the rights of the landlord herein.


  1. The tenant shall at the expiration of the said term or other sooner determination of this lease peaceably and quietly leave, surrender and yield up onto the landlord the said lands and premises in good and sufficient repair, reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, lightning and tempest only excepted.


  1. If the tenant fulfils the terms and conditions of this agreement, the tenant shall and may peaceably possess and enjoy the said land for the said term, without any interruption or disturbance from the landlord or any representative of the landlord.


  1. The landlord or a representative of the landlord has the right at all reasonable times to attend and inspect the said property. The landlord reserves the right of entry and exit over and upon the land in this agreement to use any land and buildings expressly excluded from this agreement.


  1. If either party shall fail in any respect to carry out any of the provisions of this lease agreement, the other may have the same done, and the costs shall be paid by the party failing to carry out the said provisions.


  1. Renewal

The term of this lease may be extended by mutual agreement between the landlord and tenant for a further period upon the same terms and conditions as contained herein, except as otherwise agreed in writing by the parties executing a renewal statement.


  1. Incoming Tenant

After harvest in the fall preceding the expiration of the said term, an incoming tenant, purchaser or the landlord shall have the right to enter on the land contained in this agreement for the purpose of preparing the land for crop.


  1. Arbitration

The landlord and tenant may by mutual agreement submit any disagreement, which may arise with respect to the terms and conditions of this lease to arbitration in accordance with The Arbitration Act.


  1. Termination

The landlord and tenant may mutually agree to terminate this lease at any time.

I, __________ do hereby accept this lease of the above described land to be held
(tenant names)
by me as tenant, and subject to the conditions, restrictions and covenants above set forth.

In Witness whereof the parties have set their hands and seals this ______ day of ____2020.



PRESENCE OF:                                         )
 ________________________________   ) ______________________
(As to the execution by landlord)                )                 (Signature of Landlord)


AND IN THE PRESENCE OF:                    )
________________________________   ) ______________________
(As to the execution by tenant)                   )                  (Signature of Tenant)


Saskatchewan Ministry Of Agriculture